I saw a Koala in Wron Wron state park on 28th September. I googled for other sightings which lead me to the friend of the earth website about conducting surveys in the area and I thought my sighting might be useful.

The Koala was sighting at night time, we initially heard a loud deep call that we mistook for Samber Deer until my partner spotted the Koala up in the tree.

The Koala was at the entrance of the Rifle range track, Wron Wron state park of Holmans road,

Sep 28 2024: Koala seen in Won Wron State Forest

Sep 28 2024: I saw a Koala in Wron Wron state park on 28th September. I googled for other sightings which lead me to the friend of the earth website about conducting surveys in the area and I thought my sighting might be useful. 

The Koala was sighting at night time, we initially heard a loud deep call that we mistook for Samber Deer until my partner spotted the Koala up in the tree.

The Koala was at the entrance of the Rifle range track, Wron Wron state park of Holmans road, Yarram.