Category: Bluegum Plantation
31/5/24: Koala scats found in logged Loy Yang bluegum plantation
31/5/24: Loy Yang/Traralgon South – Koala seen in bluegum plantation ‘buffer’ after plantation logged.
20/12/23: Koala seen in logged bluegum plantation. West of Gormandale
19/3/23: Gormandale/Callignee North. 20-30? koalas disappeared after bluegum logging
2021 February: Injured koala, bluegum plantation – West of Yinnar
2020: 9 koalas removed from bluegum plantation – Allambee Reserve
12/3/15: Bullocks Road, Jeeralang North. Scat found
2015 February: Budgeree Road, Budgeree. Scats found
2015 Feb: Budgeree Road, Budgeree. Scats found
12/11/14: Berrys Road, Willung South. Scat Found
26/5/14: Blue Gum Plantation, Callignee North. Scat found
11/6/14: Bluegum plantation Flynns Creek. Scat found
11/6/14: Bluegum Plantation, Flynns Creek
30/4/14: Bluegum Plantation Willung South. Scat found
22/5/14: Scat found in Bluegum Plantation, Delburn
12/5/14: Scat found in Bluegum plantation, Driffield
4/11/15: Scat found at Arwon Drive, Hernes Oak
4/6/14: Scat found in Bluegum Plantation, Moe South
4/6/14: Scat found in Bluegum Plantation, Moe South
17/3/15: Koala scat Yallourn North
29/4/14: Yinnar South Middle Creek/Blue Gum Plantation – No scats. BURNT BY FIRE MARCH 2019
26/3/14: Calignee Blue Gum Plantation – No scats
1/5/14: Yinnar South Blue Gum Plantation – Positive Scat Site: 3.33%. SITE BURNT BY FIRE MARCH 2019
28/3/14: Carrajung South Blue Gum Plantation – Positive Scat Site: 3.33%
28/3/14: Carrajung Lower Edge of Blue Gum Plantation – Positive Scat Site: 3.33%
27/3/14: Willung South Blue Gum Plantation – Positive Scats Site: 6.7%
27/3/14: Carrajung South Blue Gum Plantation – Positive Scat Site: 3.33%
27/3/14: Carrajung Lower (Edge of Bluegum Plantation) – Positive Scat Site: 3.33%
28/3/14: Carrajung South Bluegum Plantation – Musk Creek. Positive Koala Scat Site: 10%
27/11/13: Willung South – Bluegum Plantation and Buffer. Positive Koala Scat Site: 10%
1/5/14: Driffield Blue Gum Plantation. Positive Koala Scat Site: 20%
26/5/14: Yinnar South – Healeys Road Bluegum Plantation. No scats. Site Burnt March 2019
26/9/15: Driffield Bluegum Plantation (Golden Gully Road 1): No scats
28/11/15: Budgeree Road Bluegum Plantation: Positive Scat Site 3.33%
18/4/16: Foster (Bluegum Plantation): Positive Scat Site 13.33%
7/9/16: Foster Hardwood Plantation (site 1) – Positive Scat Site 6.67%
6/9/16: Southern Rail Trail Hoddle (site 1): Positive Scat Site 10%
6/9/16: Southern Rail Trail Hoddle (site 2): Positive Scat Site 13.33%