3/9/24: Scats found west of Grasstree Swamp Road, Won Wron State Forest under a Yellow Stringybark 835DBH Mountain Grey Gum 945DBH. (GPS: 550481819 5746758, 550481866 5746727)
3/9/24: Scats found west of Grasstree Swamp Road, Won Wron State Forest under a Yellow Stringybark 835DBH Mountain Grey Gum 945DBH. (GPS: 550481819 5746758, 550481866 5746727)
3/9/24: Scats found west of Grasstree Swamp Road, Won Wron State Forest under a Yellow Stringybark 835DBH Mountain Grey Gum 945DBH. (GPS: 550481819 5746758, 550481866 5746727)