April 2021: Meikle Road, Fish Creek – Regular Koala sightings

There are koalas that regularly visit the properties in our road, we have a sighting about every couple of months.

November 2021

There was a koala at our place on 18/11/21 (We heard it) & these scats are from our neighbours on 19/11/21.

2021 April/November: Meikle Road, Fish Creek. Koala sightings

April 2021: Meikle Road, Fish Creek – Regular Koala sightings

There are koalas that regularly visit the properties in our road, we have a sighting about every couple of months.

November 2021

There was a koala at our place on 18/11/21 (We heard it) & these scats are from our neighbours on 19/11/21.