Hatchery Road, Gunyah N5736989, E550440507
Positive Site: 3 trees sampled. 1 Messmate, 1 Mountain Grey Gum and 1 Mountain Ash. Scat found under third tree. Nearby Mt Ash also had fresh scats
Hatchery Road, Gunyah N5736989, E550440507
Positive Site: 3 trees sampled. 1 Messmate, 1 Mountain Grey Gum and 1 Mountain Ash. Scat found under third tree. Nearby Mt Ash also had fresh scats
Hatchery Road, Gunyah N5736989, E550440507
Positive Site: 3 trees sampled. 1 Messmate, 1 Mountain Grey Gum and 1 Mountain Ash. Scat found under third tree. Nearby Mt Ash also had fresh scats